Who We Are
Blodgett Urban Garden is an organization based out of Houston, that is located across from Texas Southern University, a historically black college or university (HBCU). We work with the following areas in Houston: 3rd Ward, South Park, the Medical Center, Cuney Homes, University of Houston, Texas Southern University, and HCC - which includes over 21000 residents or 9,500 households in the community, with 46% being low income and 37% below poverty. We created BUG to fight these food insecurities and bridge the gap between access to a healthy lifestyle by providing food and teaching gardening and good nutrition. Through our programming and health initiatives, we aim to create a sustainable and healthy environment for all residents. Join us in making a positive impact in the community and helping to foster growth and development for future generations.
Our Mission
Blodgett Urban Garden’s mission is to provide access to fresh produce, educate the community about gardening and good nutrition, and create a safe gathering space.